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New Clients

We always welcome new clients and patients to our full service practice,  we know you will be very happy with our services.

Please see the What To Expect section and take a tour of our hospital, then contact us  or request an appointment.

We look forward to meeting you and your pets!

Call us Today

What to expect



When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted warmly. For new clients some paperwork will need to be completed for registration. To ease the process, these forms are available on the website under the “New Client” or “Forms” sections. (Existing clients should update their contact information, which can be done at the time of arrival for the appointment or online).It would be helpful to bring any past vaccination and medical records.
When an examination room is available one of our team members will usher you into the room. Our goal is to see all of our clients and patients on time, and although we have contingencies for emergencies, there will be times where the unexpected will create delays. We will ensure these are minimized as much as possible.

Pet Medical History

One of our veterinary technicians or assistants will then come in and will take a medical history, check vaccination status, and gather some data for the doctor. If any samples were brought in (stool 0r urine) they will take them to the laboratory for analysis.


The veterinarian will see you next and perform a comprehensive examination of your pet. The veterinarian will then discuss the findings of the physical examination, answer any questions you may have, and plan further diagnostics or set up a treatment plan as necessary.


If laboratory work needs to be conducted one of our veterinary technicians will take your pet into the lab, collect the appropriate samples, and perform the testing. We can conduct most diagnostic tests in house, but on occasion, we will have to send samples to an outside laboratory.

Once the diagnostic tests are complete, the veterinarian will return to explain the results to you (if they were sent out, you will be notified when they are completed) and decide upon the appropriate treatment plan or a further course of action. A recheck time, if needed, will be suggested and the doctor may request progress reports so we can track how your pet is doing on the treatment plan.


Follow Up Care

One of our technicians will return to wrap things up. They will review the home care, discuss the medications administered, and demonstrate how to administer them. They will also provide you with further educational information as well as answering routine wellness and care questions for you. If you have any questions about the visit, or are unclear about the instructions be sure to ask so we can address your concerns.

Our Promise

One of our receptionists will then perform the check out procedure at the front desk. They will handle the billing and schedule any needed follow up visits.
We are excited to meet you, your human and animal family members!