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Statistics about dog bites and their cost

By October 16, 2012 Uncategorized

Some statistics about dog bites and their cost. (From Veterinary Practice News July 2012)


Dogs vs. People

State Farm Insurance, reported its top ten states for dog bite claims in 2011.


Rank                        State                 Number of Claims                               Claims Paid

(# of Claims)                                                                                                    (Estimated)


1                                California                   527                                                $20.3 million

2                                Illinois                        309                                                $10.0 million

3                                Texas                         219                                                $5.1 million

4                                Ohio                          215                                                $5.4 million

5                                Pennsylvania              197                                                $4.9 million

6                                Michigan                   181                                                 $7.0 million

7                                Florida                      157                                                 $5.1 million

8                                Indiana                      139                                                 $3.5 million

9                                New York                 133                                                 $6.1 million

10                              Minnesota                 117                                                  $3.5 million




Dog Bites Add Up

The Insurance Information Institute estimated the number and cost of dog bite claims since 2003.


Year                 Value of Claims             Number                        Average Cost Per Claim

                                    (in millions)

2003                                $324.2                      16,919                                      $19,162

2004                                $319.0                      15,630                                      $20,406

2005                                $321.1                      14,295                                      $22,464

2006                                $322.3                      14,661                                      $21,987

2007                                $356.2                      14,531                                      $24,511

2008                                $387.2                      15,823                                      $24,461

2009                                $412.0                      16,586                                      $24,840

2010                                $412.6                      15,770                                      $26,166

2011                                $478.9                      16,292                                      $29,396