Avian Anatomy
- Anatomy (Basic Avian) – A detailed discussion of basic avian anatomy.
- Get Involved in the Avicultural Community – An overview of how you can become more active in aviculture.
- Why Join a Bird Club? – Compelling reasons to become a member of a local bird club.
Avian Exam
- The Avian Physical Examination – An overview of a typical physical examination by an avian veterinarian.
Avian First Aid
- Avian First Aid – An article discussing how to create an avian first aid kit. Also covered are some common avian emergencies and how to handle them.
- Necropsies in Pet Birds – A description of what a necropsy is, how it is conducted and what value it serves in determining the cause of death in a bird.
- Understanding Avian Laboratory Tests – An overview of the common tests used in avian diagnostic testing.
- Aspergillosis – An in depth article discussing the fungal condition, aspergillosis.
- Atoxoplasmosis– A discussion of a parasitic condition that affects passerine birds, especially canaries.
- Avian Parasites – A discussion of various parasites affecting pet birds.
- Chlamydiosis (Psittacosis) – An in depth discussion about psittacosis also known as parrot fever.
- Cnemidocoptic Mange – A discussion about the disease conditions caused by the mite, Cnemidocoptes, scaly face and scaly leg.
- Megabacteriosis (Avian Gastric Yeast) – A discussion about megabacteria, which is also known as avian gastric yeast.
- Nutritional Diseases in Pet Birds – A discussion about nutritional disease in pet birds.
- Pressure Sores – A discussion about pressure sores on the feet and legs.
- Proventricular Dilatation Disease (PDD) – A discussion about Proventricular Dilatation Disease.
- The Dropping: An Indicator of Health – A discussion about the importance of checking droppings and what abnormalities may indicate.
General Care
- Basic Pet Bird Care – A discussion which covers the many aspects involved in caring for a pet bird.
- Health Care (Basic Avian) – How to provide good health care practices for your bird.
- Do Birds Fall in Love? – An answer to a question submitted to a bird club newsletter Q & A.
- Exercise in Pet Birds – A discussion about how to get birds exercise.
Handling and Grooming
- Beak Trimming – A discussion about beak trimming in birds.
- Capture and Restraint of Pet Birds – A discussion about capturing and handling pet birds.
- Handling and Grooming Tips – A discussion about capturing, restraining and grooming pet birds.
- Nail Trimming – A discussion about trimming bird toenails.
- Wing Clipping – A discussion about wing clipping in pet birds.
- Be Afraid – Hazards for Pet Birds – A short and sweet discussion of some hazards/dangers for pet birds.
- Common Household Poisons for Birds – A listing of household compounds which can be toxic for pet birds.
- Contaminated Food – A discussion about tainted foods and pet birds.
- Household Hazards – A discussion about household hazards for pet birds.
- Lead and Zinc Toxicoses in Pet Birds – A discussion about lead and zinc toxicoses in pet birds.
- Non Toxic Houseplants for Pet Birds – A listing of safe houseplants.
- Safe and Toxic Plants for Use Around Birds – A list of toxic branches and also some safe plants for birds.
- Toxic Plants – Another listing of toxic plants for birds.
- Toxic Plants for Pet Birds – A listing of toxic plants for pet birds.
- Calcium, Phosphorus and Vitamin D3 Imbalances – A discussion about imbalances of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 in pet birds.
- Good Food Sources of Calcium and_or Vitamin A – A listing and rating of various foods for their content of calcium and vitamin A.
- Grit – Is It Necessary in Avian Diets?? – A discussion about grit as a supplement in pet bird diets.
- Hepatic Lipidosis (Fatty Liver) – A discussion about fatty liver disease.
- Iodine Deficiency (Goiter) in Birds – A discussion about iodine deficiency in birds with resultant goiter.
- Nutrition in Pet Birds – A discussion about nutrition in pet birds.
- Vitamin A Deficiency in Pet Birds – A discussion about vitamin A deficiencies in pet birds.
Purchasing a Pet Bird
- Characteristics of Pet Birds – A discussion of certain characteristics of assorted varieties of pet birds.
- Considerations When Purchasing a Baby Pet Bird – A discussion about concerns when purchasing a baby pet bird.
- Guidelines for Selecting a Pet Bird – Some considerations when deciding to select a pet bird companion.
- Tips for When You Purchase a Pet Bird – Things to be aware of when purchasing a pet bird.
Recognizing Illness
- Recognizing Illness in Pet Birds – Identifying signs of illness in pet birds.
- Complications of Egg Laying Activity – A discussion of the complications which can occur due to egg laying activity.
- Controlling Unwanted Egg Laying in Birds – A discussion on how to control unwanted egg laying in pet birds.
- Reproductive Problems in Birds – An overview of reproductive problems in pet birds.
- Sexual Aggression in Birds – A discussion about sexual aggression in birds.
Vet Articles
- Basic Avian Techniques Laboratory Handout – A veterinarian/veterinary technician laboratory handout about basic handling techniques of pet birds.
- Basic Avian Techniques Laboratory Handout – A veterinary/veterinary technician laboratory handout about basic handling techniques of pet birds.
- Demystifying Avian Medicine – An overview of a detailed veterinary lecture discussing all aspects of avian practice.
- Getting Involved in Avian Practice – A veterinary lecture handout discussing getting involved in avian medicine.
- Setting Up an Avian Practice – Equipment – Equipment – Veterinary lecture handout about the equipment needed when setting up an avian practice.