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Dogs + Pet Services

  • Fanconi syndrome affects the ability of the kidney tubules to re-absorb certain electrolytes and nutrients such as potassium and glucose, allowing them to spill into the urine. This causes excessive drinking and urination and ultimately kidney disease. Basenjis are most commonly affected. It is often diagnosed based on glucosuria without hypoglycemia. Though reversal of this disease is not possible, treatment involves supplementation with different minerals and electrolytes as well as standard treatments for management of kidney disease. Regularly monitoring of blood parameters is recommended to allow early intervention if the disease is worsening. Fanconi-like syndrome has occurred in dogs ingesting certain chicken jerky treats and can be resolved by discontinuing these treats.

  • Many pet owners decline to take their dogs for regular veterinary care because they perceive that their dogs resent and fear the visits. Fear, anxiety, and stress (FAS) are rooted in responses to stressful events, and result in both physiologic and behavioral changes. Fortunately, there are many things that can be done on behalf of dogs who experience FAS around their visits to the veterinarian. Once you arrive at your veterinary clinic, the practice team will help to create a Fear Free experience for him and for you.

  • A fecal Baermann is a special fecal test used to diagnose infection by parasites that pass larvae in stool instead of eggs. A small golf-ball sized sample of fresh stool is mixed with warm water to encourage larvae to separate from the fecal material to allow identification. The most common parasite diagnosed with a fecal Baermann is lungworm, which typically causes signs of coughing.

  • A fecal flotation is a screening test for internal parasites. It is performed by mixing a small sample of stool with a special solution that causes any parasite eggs to float to the surface of the solution. These are transferred to a glass slide an examined under a microscope. Young pets need multiple fecal flotations to screen for infection, while adults may only need a fecal screening once yearly unless they are at higher risk of infection. The test may have false negatives if the parasites are not yet producing eggs, if there are too few eggs produced, if the eggs are produced sporadically, or if the parasite species are not amenable to diagnosis by fecal flotation.

  • A fecal occult blood test screens for the presence of hemoglobin (a component of red blood cells) in a fecal sample. Many conditions can cause blood to appear in the stool including intestinal ulceration, neoplasia, dental disease, and parasites. More testing is needed if the fecal occult blood test is positive. False negatives can occur from intermittent bleeding. False positives can also occur from what the pet has eaten in the last 3 days, such as raw/undercooked meat, raw vegetables, and some canned foods. Your veterinarian may suggest repeat tests to ensure an accurate diagnosis.

  • Dog food has been made so palatable that it can easily create gluttonous behavior. Meal feeding and portion control are important to prevent obesity. Owners should not give in to begging behavior. Dogs that are still hungry after their meal can be supplemented with snacks such as green vegetables recommended by your veterinarian. Dogs that eat too quickly can be fed creatively to slow down eating.

  • The goal of feeding growing puppies is to lay the foundation for a healthy adulthood. Proper nutrition is critical to the health and development of puppies, regardless of breed, and it directly influences their immune system and body composition. An optimal growth rate in puppies is ideal; it is a slow and steady growth rate that allows the puppy to achieve an ideal adult body condition while avoiding excessive weight and obesity. Growing puppies need higher amounts of all nutrients in comparison to adult dogs, but excess energy calories and calcium can create serious problems. Together with your veterinarian and veterinary healthcare team, you can help your puppy grow into as healthy of an adult dog as possible.

  • Orphaned puppies will need extra care for survival to compensate for the loss of their mother. Puppies must be kept warm, very clean, and fed frequently using an appropriate amount and type of formula by bottle or less often tube feeding. To ensure nutrition is adequate, daily weight checks should be performed for the first 4 weeks, then weekly thereafter. Puppies must be stimulated to urinate and defecate. Environment, feeding instruments and the puppy must be kept meticulously clean as they are more susceptible to infection than puppies cared for by their mother.

  • Interactive feeders that require a pet to think and work for their food call upon the natural instinct to hunt or forage. Besides being fun, these food puzzles may help both physical and behavioral problems in cats and dogs. When used correctly, interactive feeders may benefit pets that eat too quickly, become bored when alone, or suffer from separation anxiety.

  • This handout discusses the need for ensuring your pregnant dog is receiving adequate nutrition to make sure both she and her puppies thrive during this time of increased demands on her body. Feeding and diet suggestions are provided.