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Cats + Diagnosis

  • Unexplained bleeding is worrisome because it suggests a problem with the body’s blood clotting or coagulation system. Disorders of the coagulation system can arise for many reasons, including shortages of coagulation factors (clotting proteins), a shortage of platelets (a type of blood cell), defective platelets, and serious systemic disease affecting the whole body.

  • A pet with vomiting may suffer from an isolated incident, or it could be a sign of more severe problems. If the cause for vomiting is not obvious from history and examination, screening tests may be done to eliminate possible causes and determine a treatment plan. Results can also provide a prognosis for recovery and long-term outlook.

  • Weakness can be caused by many different problems and can involve a variety of body systems. Finding the cause of your pet’s weakness starts with a complete history and physical examination. The most commonly recommended screening tests for weakness include complete blood count, serum biochemistry profile, urinalysis, and in a dog, total thyroxine. Additional tests may be recommended based on the results of these screening tests. 

  • The most common disorder of the thyroid gland in cats is hyperthyroidism. Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism includes screening the hormone output of the thyroid as well as screening for other systemic diseases. This is achieved by running a complete blood count, biochemistry panel, urinalysis, and total T4 (tT4). Additional tests may be required. Cats undergoing treatment for hyperthyroidism will have regular blood monitoring to ensure the disease is under control.

  • Trypsin-like immunoreactivity (TLI) is a blood test that measures the amount of a pancreatic proenzyme called trypsinogen. This measurement correlates with the amount of pancreatic enzymes released into the intestine to aid in digestion. A low measurement indicates exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. Concurrent pancreatitis or tests done shortly after a meal may temporarily increase this measurement to a normal value (false negative).

  • Damage to the tympanic membrane and middle ear infections can be very painful for cats and cause a variety of clinical signs affecting the skin and nervous system. Diagnosis often requires a thorough ear examination with testing while your cat is under sedation or anesthesia. The treatment methods and prognosis depend on the nature of your cat's condition.

  • Ultrasound uses the reflection of sound waves to generate an image of internal structures allowing for identification of masses, pregnancy diagnosis, abnormal heart function and muscle size, abnormalities of the orbit, and abnormal appearance of abdominal organs. It cannot be used to identify abnormalities in areas of air such as the lungs, or areas surrounded by bone. Ultrasound-guided biopsies can be taken of abnormal areas which are sent to a pathologist for interpretation. Anesthesia is generally not needed unless tissue biopsies are planned. Shaving of fur is recommended to allow best contact of the probe with the skin to produce the most diagnostic images. Ultrasound results can be analyzed in real time; however, assessment by a radiologist may take several days. Ultrasound is an invaluable tool to detect problems in a non-invasive fashion.

  • Urinalysis is an important part of any comprehensive workup or health screen as it provides information on the urinary system including the kidneys and bladder and also can support diagnosis of metabolic disease such as diabetes mellitus. Urine collection methods include cystocentesis, catheterization, or mid-stream free flow, each of which has their own pros and cons. Urine samples are assessed using the following parameters: appearance (color and turbidity), concentration assesses how the urine has been concentrated by the kidneys, urine dipsticks (assess pH, glucose, protein, blood, ketones, urobilinogen, and bilirubin), and microscopic exam of sediment (may reveal the presence of abnormal cells including red blood cells, white blood cells, and tissue cells or crystals). A cytological preparation of sediment may be recommended to look at tissue cells in more detail.

  • Cortisol is a stress hormone that is excreted from the body in the urine. Creatinine is a product of muscle metabolism and is normally lost in the urine at a relatively steady rate. The ratio of creatinine to cortisol in the urine can be used to account for the effect of urine concentration on cortisol measurements. Urine cortisol/creatinine ratio is usually evaluated in animals suspected of having Cushing's disease. This test involves the collection of a single urine sample, taken first thing in the morning.

  • The presence of protein in urine is called proteinuria, and it may indicate that the kidneys are not working properly. In some situations, proteinuria may even be a sign of kidney failure; however, bleeding or inflammation in the urinary system is a far more common cause. Your veterinarian may recommend further testing if the urinalysis reveals inflammation or bleeding.