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Surgical Services

Vet-Stem Regenerative Therapy


With Vet-Stem Regenerative Veterinary Medicine®, a specially trained veterinarian takes a small fat sample from your dog. This procedure is similar to having a small growth removed from under the skin. The cells are then overnighted to the Vet-Stem lab in California where they are processed and the regenerative cells concentrated. The cells are shipped back within 48 hours when the veterinarian can inject them into  the injured site. Vet-Stem Regenerative Veterinary Medicine® can be used to help treat a variety of canine afflictions including, arthritis, injured tendons and ligaments, degenerative diseases, and fractures. Make an appointment with Dr. Staunton…

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The operation to neuter a female pet is called spaying or the more descriptive term ovariohysterectomy. When a pet is spayed both ovaries as well as the uterus are removed. The reason the ovaries are also removed in pets is because they produce hormones that can lead to complications later in life. It is essential to spay your female pets because of these potential complications. There is a great deal of misinformation pertaining to spaying. Some people say that a female should go through a heat cycle or even have a litter before they get spayed. This is absolutely false….

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Neutering is a word that refers to essentially making the gender of the pet “neutral,” so to speak, thus it does encompass both males and females. Popularly, however, the term has become used to designate altering the male, while spaying is the term used for altering the female. Castration (or orchiectomy) is the proper term used for the neutering of the male dog; as in the procedure the testicles are removed. Some people believe that a vasectomy is done, but that is incorrect. The goal is not to only prevent sperm release, rather to eliminate the male sex hormones and…

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Soft Tissue Surgery


We perform many types of soft tissue surgeries at our clinic. Soft tissue surgeries are those that are not associated with bone. These surgeries can provide many benefits to pets. Probably the most common soft tissue surgery performed on pets is the removal of masses, or lumps. Most of these masses, once removed and tested, are found to be benign (nonharmful); however, occasionally they are more serious. Early removal and accurate diagnosis of a lump is necessary to improve the outcome in your pet if the mass is cancerous. If your dog suffers from frequent ear infections, surgical intervention can…

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Orthopedic Surgery


We perform many types of orthopedic (bone) surgeries in our clinic. Because we want to ensure that our patients receive the best possible outcome, we occasionally refer them to board-certified orthopedic surgeons to perform back surgery and other very complex surgeries. A common injury we see is a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee. When this ligament is damaged the knee joint is unstable and over time the cartilage and meniscus (pad in the knee) can be seriously damaged leading to arthritis. Dr. Staunton regularly performs cruciate ligament repairs which can alleviate the problems seen with this injury….

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